Seedlings Podcast @ Bit by Bit #30

Kern Kelley joins us for another snow day edition podcast. The discussion centered around PBS: Growing up Online, netiquette, and geek of the week. Enjoy! This was snow day #5 for me, so hope we don’t have too many more!

Here’s the Chat:

2008-02-13 07:24:11   cheryloakes seedlings ->   snow day!!

2008-02-13 07:30:53   cheryloakes seedlings ->

2008-02-13 07:31:02   alicebarr ->   Morning (or evening jo!)

2008-02-13 07:31:14   jomcleay ->   Hi yes late evening

2008-02-13 07:31:17   alicebarr ->   Can you hear us OK?

2008-02-13 07:31:21   jomcleay ->   11.31 pm

2008-02-13 07:31:29   jomcleay ->   can hear you well

2008-02-13 07:31:33   alicebarr ->   Ohhh 7 :30 AM here.

2008-02-13 07:32:03   jomcleay ->   was thinking of going to bed when I saw cheryl’s message on skype

2008-02-13 07:32:11   alicebarr ->   Yea!!!

2008-02-13 07:32:16   cheryloakes seedlings ->   hi jo, good to have you hear for a bit

2008-02-13 07:32:22   jomcleay ->   thanks

2008-02-13 07:32:32   jomcleay ->   so you have a snow day?

2008-02-13 07:32:56   alicebarr ->   Yes we are all off today

2008-02-13 07:33:02   alicebarr ->   Icy yucky stuff

2008-02-13 07:33:12   bobsprankle ->   hi all

2008-02-13 07:33:18   jomcleay ->   Hi Bob

2008-02-13 07:33:19   bobsprankle ->   hi jo!

2008-02-13 07:33:21   alicebarr ->   So we geeks are up early

2008-02-13 07:36:40   jomcleay ->   Hiya all

2008-02-13 07:36:45   jomcleay ->   thanks

2008-02-13 07:36:49   cheryloakes seedlings ->   you bet

2008-02-13 07:41:34   jomcleay ->   students do appreciate the ability to connect for an hour or so a few times a week

2008-02-13 07:41:53   jomcleay ->   I did that last year

2008-02-13 07:42:12   alicebarr ->   Jo did you have office hours?

2008-02-13 07:42:25   alicebarr ->   OR were you just online?

2008-02-13 07:42:39   cheryloakes seedlings ->   so did you have office hours at different times of the day?/night/weekend

2008-02-13 07:42:40   jomcleay ->   yes. I was on for a time 6.00 to 7.00 pm

2008-02-13 07:42:46   jomcleay ->   some nights

2008-02-13 07:43:13   jomcleay ->   some students from last year have asked for it again

2008-02-13 07:43:17   cheryloakes seedlings ->   and did your students help each other?

2008-02-13 07:43:30   cheryloakes seedlings ->   for the office hour interaction or another class

2008-02-13 07:44:31   jomcleay ->   no I didn’t get thaqt happening so much but they ask each other things anyway

2008-02-13 07:46:26   jomcleay ->   they want me to be available to answer questions while they’re doing homework

2008-02-13 07:47:02   cheryloakes seedlings ->   oh, then maybe it would be good for them to have a saved skypechat to question and collaborate with each other, like the webcast academy

2008-02-13 07:48:07   jomcleay ->   what a great idea cheryl although these are students about 12-13 years

2008-02-13 07:48:59   cheryloakes seedlings ->   yeah, I would look for another student friendly chat

2008-02-13 07:49:48   cheryloakes seedlings ->   do you have a moodle? they have a chat room you can have on in a timed fashion

2008-02-13 07:51:10   jomcleay ->   I guess we do have something like that I could investigate. I have been using msn

2008-02-13 07:51:36   cheryloakes seedlings ->   moodle has a way to archive chat and only have it open during certain times if you want

2008-02-13 07:53:00   jomcleay ->   I really like Bob’s idea of stepping back

2008-02-13 07:53:46   cheryloakes seedlings ->   it is a tough skill to learn because we are constantly thinking we have so little time, when actually we need to invest in the time for students to have on their own learning time

2008-02-13 08:02:32   alicebarr ->

2008-02-13 08:03:43   jomcleay ->   twitter is that concept as well

2008-02-13 08:04:08   alicebarr ->

2008-02-13 08:04:22   alicebarr ->   Yes exactly Jo Twitter is just like that

2008-02-13 08:05:27   jomcleay ->   I remember reading that Kern

2008-02-13 08:05:47   jomcleay ->   It is counter intuitive but it works

2008-02-13 08:06:44   Kern ->   I know, it was a big gamble – like all new ideas I suppose.

2008-02-13 08:06:49   alicebarr ->

2008-02-13 08:15:36   jomcleay ->   I will head off to bed now. It’s been most interesting.

2008-02-13 08:15:39   jomcleay ->   cya all

2008-02-13 08:15:49   cheryloakes seedlings ->   thanks for being here jo nighty nighty

2008-02-13 08:15:53   jomcleay ->   bye

2008-02-13 08:25:23   Kern ->

2008-02-13 08:27:23   Kern ->

2008-02-13 08:28:42   Kern ->

2008-02-13 08:29:49   Kern ->

2008-02-13 08:31:21   cheryloakes seedlings ->      free online courses for individuals, typing tutors

2008-02-13 08:32:41   alicebarr ->

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